Aboriginal Considerations

Special Considerations when Working with Aboriginal Children and Families

At the intake stage, when a child protection report is made to MCFD, Nenan will be consulted during the initial assessment of the information, and will help clearly establish the child’s family and cultural heritage, identify the First Nations Band or Aboriginal Service Agency designate that needs to be involved, and plan with the social worker regarding the reported information, and the next steps that will be taken.  The Nenan social worker is a unique entity from the Band Designate, and will always seek to work in collaboration with the Band Designate (Draft Collaboration Agreement between Nenan and MCFD).

If the report is assessed as requiring an investigation, the parents will be offered Nenan’s assistance, and the Nenan social worker and the MCFD will conduct a joint investigation whenever possible.  Nenan will also be able to help identify people who could be used as part of a support or safety plan. If an investigation leads to a finding that results in a family’s file remaining open, then Nenan social workers will be involved in the ongoing case planning, and attend all meetings as requested by the family (Draft Collaboration Agreement between Nenan and MCFD).

This concludes the Topic modules.