Description and Goals

This module is designed to help you as a service provider working with children and families understand key information from the B.C. Handbook for Action on Child Abuse and Neglect for Service Providers (April 2007). This handbook was developed by the Ministry of Children and Family Development to support an integrated, collaborative response to child abuse and neglect. It is the main reference for the development of this module. Always refer to the handbook if you need additional information.

You will observe that each topic includes a section entitled Aboriginal Considerations. It is important to recognize that when working with Aboriginal children and families,there are special considerations at play: involving culture, involving the Aboriginal community and involving the local delegated Aboriginal Child and Family Services Agency. The information included in those sections is sensitive and meant to provide you with a greater insight when working with Aboriginal families. It might not be applicable for all Aboriginal families.

Training Goals

As a service provider, understand your role and responsibility for keeping children safe and your accountability for reporting suspected child abuse and neglect.


This orientation includes five topics:

  1. Your Legal Responsibilities
  2. Working Together
  3. Recognizing Child Abuse and Neglect
  4. Responding to Child Abuse and Neglect
  5. Reporting

Time Commitment and Learning Approach

This orientation is designed to take approximately one hour to complete. You can proceed through these topics in one sitting or take an approach that fits with your schedule. For example, you may want to do one topic at a time for five days in a row. Your employer may require that you complete this orientation by a specific date.

The orientation module is presented in an “open” environment, which means there is no login required and that it will be available for you to access at any time. You are encouraged to come back to revisit or review the topics at any time you feel the need after you have completed your “official” orientation. This material also is meant to be a resource that you can go to in the unfortunate circumstance when you do come across a child that you suspect is being abused or neglected.

Registration, Fees and Certification

As a frontline worker who has direct contact with children, you are required to take this orientation. Your employer may require that you register for the orientation and provide some proof such as a test or documentation that verifies you have successfully completed the orientation topics. There may be a fee involved.